Scene layers (6)
  • 19 Mar 2024
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Scene layers (6)

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Article Summary

The scene layers view will display all input items of the selected scene. The example below shows two scenes (Front Camera and PGM out). Click on the scene name to switch scene. For the selected scene, a list of scene layers will be listed. 

Working with Scene layers

To add an input to a scene, drag the item from the Input & Scenes tab to the Scene layers or right-click on the input (in the Input & Scenes tab) and select "Add to scene".

To change the order of the layers (z-order), use drag & drop.

To duplicate a scene layer, right-click on the layer and select the "Duplicate layer" option. This will create a new layer using the same layer source and the same operators as the selected scene layer.

To show the layer's input, right-click on the layer and select the "Show source" option. This will switch to the Inputs tab and select the source. You can also use the keyboard shortcut CTRL+left click on the layer to show the input.

To delete a scene layer, select the scene layer and press the DELETE key or right-click and select "Delete layer".

To replace an existing layer input with a different input, hold down the ALT key and drag and drop the input to the current Scene layer you want to replace.

To add a new scene, click the Add Scene button under "Inputs&Scenes":

More details on this view in the chapter about Scenes


Numerical properties found in Scenes, Inputs, Operators, etc., can also be edited using the left mouse button + drag left or right.

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