Extended Prometheus Metrics
  • 14 Mar 2024
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Extended Prometheus Metrics

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Article Summary

If you have licensed the optional Extended Monitoring Plugin, or if you are using the Trial version of Composer, the Prometheus endpoint will expose extended metrics.

All extended metrics have the _ext_-prefix.

Extended monitoring plugin license
If you do not have the extended monitoring plugin license, all _ext_ metrics will be shown as 0 and do not update

Here is a list of all available metrics:


composer_ext_gpu_power_usage_percentage%Current power utilization
composer_ext_gpu_power_usageWCurrent power usage
composer_ext_gpu_power_limitWCurrent power consumption limit of the GPU
composer_ext_gpu_power_stateNumberThe power state the GPU is running (lower = faster, higher = slower)
composer_ext_gpu_power_management_enabledBooleanNvidia's "Prefer maximum Performance" value
composer_ext_gpu_utilization%Current GPU utilization (dependent on the GPU power state)
composer_ext_gpu_encoder_utilization%GPU NVENC utilization (Nvidia encoding)
composer_ext_gpu_decoder_utilization%GPU NVDEC utilization (Nvidia decoding)


composer_last_frame_processing_timemsLast frame processing time
composer_average_processing_timemsAverage processing time, last 50 rendered frames
composer_ext_last_frame_processing_usage%Last frame processing time, expressed as a percentage of available time (depending on FPS)
composer_max_processing_timemsMax processing time since application start
composer_ext_average_processing_time_10k_framesmsAverage processing time of the last 10,000 rendered frames
composer_ext_average_processing_usage_10k_frames%Average processing load for the last 10,000 rendered frames
composer_congestions_last_secondNumberThe number of congestions last second
composer_congestive_frames_since_startNumberThe number of congestive frames since application start
composer_frames_processed_totalNumberNumber of frames processed since application start
composer_processing_queue_lengthNumberThe current processing queue (frames)


composer_ext_alarms_currently_activeBooleanTrue if there are any active alarms
composer_ext_alarms_total_countNumberNumber of alarms since application start

Errors & Warnings

composer_fatal_error_count_totalNumberTotal number of fatal errors since application start
composer_error_count_totalNumberTotal number of errors since application start
composer_warning_count_totalNumberTotal number of warnings since application start


composer_ext_rtmp_target_countNumberTotal number of RTMP targets
composer_ext_rtmp_target_all_connectedBooleanTrue if all RTMP targets are connected to the endpoint
composer_ext_rtmp_target_connected_countNumberTotal number of connected targets
composer_ext_rtmp_target_disconnected_countNumberTotal number of disconnected targets
composer_ext_rtmp_target_auto_reconnect_countNumberTotal number of reconnects
composer_ext_rtmp_target_connecting_countNumberTotal number of targets trying to connect to the endpoint
composer_ext_rtmp_target_reconnecting_countNumberTotal number of targets in the process of reconnecting to the endpoint
composer_ext_rtmp_target_disconnecting_countNumberTotal number of targets in the process of disconnecting from the endpoint
composer_ext_rtmp_target_error_countNumberTotal number of errors since application start
composer_ext_rtmp_target_errorsNumberCurrent number of RTMP errors
composer_ext_rtmp_target_warning_countNumberTotal number of warnings since application start
composer_ext_rtmp_target_warningsNumberCurrent number of RTMP warnings
composer_ext_rtmp_target_sum_outgoing_bitrateMb/sTotal outgoing bitrate
composer_ext_rtmp_target_x64_countNumberTotal number of targets using CPU for encoding
composer_ext_rtmp_target_nvenc_countNumberTotal number of targets using NVEnc for encoding
composer_ext_rtmp_target_avg_video_encode_timemsAverage video encoding time
composer_ext_rtmp_target_avg_network_write_timemsAverage network write time

Application resources

GBTotal GPU ram usage
MBTotal system ram usage


NumberThe project FPS value
NumberTotal number of API calls since application start

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