- 19 May 2023
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Video Analyzer
- Updated on 19 May 2023
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The built-in video analyzer tool can be used to inspect RGB levels, luminance, saturation, colors, and hue. Composer supports both waveform and vectorscope analysis.
A vectorscope is a special type of oscilloscope used in audio and video applications. Whereas an oscilloscope or waveform monitor typically displays a plot of signal vs. time, a vectorscope displays an X-Y plot of two signals, revealing details about the relationship between these two signals.
The waveform view is also referred to as a parade view.
The skin tone line function of a vectorscope is used to ensure that the skin tones of individuals in a video are accurately represented. The skin tone line is a diagonal line that represents the range of colors typically found in human skin tones.
To access the video analyzer, select a scene and then select Analyzis from the Application menu.
You find the RGB and Luminance parade view on the upper part of the video analyzer window (waveform view). In the lower part, you find the vectorscope.
The following adjustments are available:
- Granule brightness - controls the brightness of the guidelines in the parade view.
- Parade brightness - controls the brightness of the parade waveforms.
- Scope brightness - controls the brightness of the vectorscope signal.
Parade channels: select between RGB and RGBY parade views.
Description: the image above describes how vectors in the vectorscope correspond to the colors (Magenta, Blue, Cyan, Green, Yellow, and Red).