Demos and Tutorials
  • 06 Sep 2024
  • 1 Minute to read
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Demos and Tutorials

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Article summary

Starting from R1 2024, Composer has an online library with demos/tutorials, which may be helpful when getting started.

The demo/tutorial project complexity varies - the primary purpose of the projects is to provide ideas and concepts that you might want to implement in your projects.

We will add more demos/tutorials over time - revisit the Download Tutorials menu if you are curious about new demos.

Downloading demos/tutorials

To download a demo/tutorial, use the "Tutorials/Download tutorials..." tutorials menu:

Select the demos/tutorials you want to download by checking the Download checkbox:

Downloaded demo/tutorial projects and media will be stored in Documents/Composer/Tutorials.

Opening demos/tutorials

To open a demo/tutorial, use the "Tutorials/Open tutorial..." menu item.


Composer Multibranding Demo Guide - a complementary guide to the Multibranding demo project. Download PDF.

Composer - How to set up connectors and cue points. Download PDF.

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