  • 09 Sep 2024
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Article summary

An operator can modify either video or audio or use the video/audio to perform an action or calculation.

Operators include Color CurvesVibration, and Chroma Key Operators. They can be considered effects, although they can also perform other types of operations not related to video- or audio content.

Operators are applied to layers within a scene, and you can add multiple operators to a layer. The same type of operator can be applied several times onto a scene layer.

Operators are rendered (and applied) from top to bottom. For each operator, an outgoing RGBA value is calculated and fed into the operators further down the processing pipe line. 

Below are two examples of operators added to a scene layer:

Working with Operators

Operators are found in the Operators tab on the left side of the UI:

Select the layer in the scene and use the Add Operator menu on the left side to add an operator to a scene.
The “Active Layer” is displayed under the dropdown “Add Operator”.

Use drag & drop to change the order of the operators.

Use the yellow up/down arrow to collapse/expand the operator.

To disable/enable an operator, uncheck the yellow checkbox next to the operator's name.

Individual Operator properties can be copied between operators of the same type. Right-click on the operator name (title) and select Copy properties to copy properties from an operator, use right-click on the operator name (title) and choose Paste Properties to paste properties on the destination operator.

To duplicate an operator, right-click on the operator and select Duplicate operator.

To delete an operator, select the operator and press the DELETE key, or right-click on the title and select "Delete operator".

Use the Copy operators and Paste operators buttons to copy all operators from one scene layer to another. The copy/paste operator feature uses the operating system clipboard, making copying operators from one server to another easier.

Customized operators

Composer uses a plug-in-based architecture that allows the development of custom operators, inputs, and targets. New operators can be designed and developed on request. A few examples:

  • Image analysis operators (AI) can be used for object recognition and tracking.

  • Integration with 3rd party systems

  • Customized special effects (operators)

Developing custom operators is part of the Professional Services provided på RealSprint. Contact RealSprint for more information.

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