Log files
  • 05 Sep 2024
  • 4 Minutes to read
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Log files

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Article summary

Composer creates log files in the LOGS folder. The log files are created per day and have auto-generated file names following this pattern:


Both JSON and text files are created, and for each file type, a maximum of 30 files are kept.
Log files contain entries of types fatal, error, warning, info, and debug.

In the Settings.xml file, it is possible to specify where the log files are saved. It is possible to use a relative path to the Composer application folder or an absolute path to the folder where the Logs should be saved.
In the Settings.xml:
"LogDirectory": "Logs"

 Log File content example:

[2024-09-05 08:33:43.917 [Information] [2001] Application started: VindralComposer R2 2024 "Monza", v1.9.9013.40252 

[2024-09-05 08:33:43.951 [Debug] [1000] Logger:LogToDisk active: True 

[2024-09-05 08:33:43.951 [Debug] [1000] Logger:LogToConsole active: True 

[2024-09-05 08:33:43.951 [Debug] [1000] Logger:LogToLoki active: False 

[2024-09-05 08:33:43.951 [Debug] [1000] Logger:ConsoleMinLogLevel: Debug 

[2024-09-05 08:33:43.951 [Debug] [1000] Validating FFMpeg 6 installation... 

[2024-09-05 08:33:43.951 [Debug] [1000] COMPOSER_FFMPEG6 environment variable NOT found 

[2024-09-05 08:33:43.952 [Debug] [1000] COMPOSER_FFMPEG6 registry key FOUND: C:\Program Files\FFmpeg\6 

[2024-09-05 08:33:43.952 [Debug] [1000] Setting ffmpeg.rootpath to C:\Program Files\FFmpeg\6\bin\ and trying to access ffmpeg 

[2024-09-05 08:33:43.981 [Debug] [1000] COMPOSER_FFMPEG6 version detected: 6.1.1-full_build-www.gyan.dev 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.843 [Debug] [1000] COMPOSER_FFMPEG6 environment variable not found 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.844 [Debug] [1000] COMPOSER_FFMPEG6 registry key FOUND 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.844 [Debug] [1000] FFmpeg.RootPath set to C:\Program Files\FFmpeg\6\bin\ 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.845 [Debug] [1000] Setting up ffmpeg logging... 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.846 [Debug] [1000] Ffmpeg logging setup done! 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.846 [Debug] [1000] Initializing Windows specific components: 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.846 [Debug] [1000] Initializing BlackMagicCapture v1 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.846 [Debug] [1000] Initializing WebPageInput 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.846 [Debug] [1000] Initializing platform independent components: 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.846 [Debug] [1000] Initializing BlackMagicCaptureV2 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.846 [Debug] [1000] Initializing BlackmagicOutputV2 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.846 [Debug] [1000] Initializing BlackmagicOutputV3 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.846 [Debug] [1000] Initializing BlackMagicCaptureV3 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.846 [Debug] [1000] Initializing StillImageInput 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.846 [Debug] [1000] Initializing MediaFileInput 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.846 [Debug] [1000] Initializing AudioFileInput 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.846 [Debug] [1000] Initializing NdiInput 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.957 [Information] [2018] Initializing Newtek NDILib 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.959 [Debug] [1000] VindralEngineBaseTypes.Utilities.NdiDiscovery spawning NDI discovery thread 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.960 [Debug] [1000] Initializing DetailOperator 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.960 [Debug] [1000] Initializing DirectionalBlurOperator 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.960 [Debug] [1000] Initializing HueSpaceKeyer 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.960 [Debug] [1000] Initializing ColorChannelKeyer 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.960 [Debug] [1000] Initializing CoringOperator 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.960 [Debug] [1000] Initializing ChannelOperator 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.960 [Debug] [1000] Initializing FalseColorOperator 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.960 [Debug] [1000] Initializing ColorShiftOperator 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.960 [Debug] [1000] Initializing CurvesOperator 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.960 [Debug] [1000] Initializing HsvCorrectOperator 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.960 [Debug] [1000] Initializing HueShiftOperator 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.960 [Debug] [1000] Initializing LutOperator 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.960 [Debug] [1000] Initializing VibranceOperator 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.960 [Debug] [1000] Initializing StarglowOperator 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.960 [Debug] [1000] Initializing DistortOperator 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.960 [Debug] [1000] Initializing FileTarget 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.960 [Debug] [1000] Initializing GoogleStorageTarget 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.960 [Debug] [1000] Initializing RtmpTarget 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.960 [Debug] [1000] Initializing VindralCdnMetadataTarget 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.960 [Debug] [1000] Initializing NdiTarget 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.960 [Debug] [1000] Initializing Rectangle 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.960 [Debug] [1000] Initializing WebPageRendererInput 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.961 [Debug] [1000] Initializing FrontalFaceDetector 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.961 [Debug] [1000] Initializing Roulette Wheel Tracker 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.961 [Debug] [1000] Initializing Roulette Wheel Visualizer 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.961 [Debug] [1000] Initializing Roulette Wheel Multi Visualizer 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.961 [Debug] [1000] Initializing Cav player 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.961 [Debug] [1000] Initializing VideoDelayOperator 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.961 [Debug] [1000] Initializing RtmpInput 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.961 [Debug] [1000] Initializing Text input 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.961 [Debug] [1000] Initializing HueRangeKeyer Operator 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.961 [Debug] [1000] Initializing UDPMessageTarget 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.961 [Debug] [1000] Initializing ColorAdjust 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.961 [Debug] [1000] Initializing 3D Keyer Operator (IBK) 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.961 [Debug] [1000] Initializing Load Operator 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.961 [Debug] [1000] Initializing WebPageInputWebGl 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.961 [Debug] [1000] Initializing FFmpeg Target 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.961 [Debug] [1000] Initializing Crop 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.961 [Debug] [1000] Initializing Histogram Operator 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.961 [Debug] [1000] Initializing Replay Operator 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.961 [Debug] [1000] HTTP Target 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.962 [Debug] [1000] Initializing Alignment Operator 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.962 [Debug] [1000] Launching CPU Performance monitor 

[2024-09-05 08:33:46.963 [Debug] [1000] Project:Constructor called 

[2024-09-05 08:33:47.067 [Debug] [1000] Current directory: C:\Program Files\RealSprint AB\Vindral Composer 

[2024-09-05 08:33:47.067 [Debug] [1000] Application directory: C:\Program Files\RealSprint AB\Vindral Composer\ 

[2024-09-05 08:33:47.068 [Debug] [1000] Loading settings file from: C:\Program Files\RealSprint AB\Vindral Composer\ 

[2024-09-05 08:33:47.101 [Debug] [1000] Starting static Ultralight engine instances update... 

[2024-09-05 08:33:47.105 [Debug] [1000] PluginControl loading plugin dll:s from: C:\Program Files\RealSprint AB\Vindral Composer\Plugins 

[2024-09-05 08:33:47.111 [Debug] [1000] Starting nvidia-smi 

[2024-09-05 08:33:47.290 [Debug] [1000] Static Ultralight instances engine update started 

[2024-09-05 08:33:47.334 [Information] [2000] Enabling Web API (HTTP) on port 44433 

[2024-09-05 08:33:47.368 [Information] [2000] System Label: Studio-4-SDT 

[2024-09-05 08:33:47.454 [Debug] [1000] Number of CUDA devices found: 1 

[2024-09-05 08:33:47.687 [Debug] [1000]   CUDA device 0: NVIDIA RTX A4000 DriverVersion: 12.20 ComputeCapability: 8.6 TotalGlobalMemory: 17170956288 

[2024-09-05 08:33:47.719 [Debug] [1000] Initializing project default values 

[2024-09-05 08:33:47.720 [Information] [2017] Initialization completed 

[2024-09-05 08:33:48.532 [Information] [2027] License information: Company: Realsprint, Product: Vindral Composer (Desktop), LicenseType: Subscription, LockedToHostName: (no), ExpiryDate: 9999-12-31 00:00:00, MaxChannels: 4, MaxMainAssemblyVersion: 99, MaxInstances: 1, ContactPerson: Soren Smith, CreateDate: 2024-01-22 00:00:00, OnlyVerifyWithLicenseServerAtStart: False, PluginLicenses: [{"Name":"Face Detector","ClassName":"FrontalFaceDetector.FaceDetectOperator","MaxInstances":1,"LicenseKey":"163d30a9-f5c9-4246-a7d1-cddb19e927f3"},{"Name":"Roulette Wheel Tracker","ClassName":"RouletteWheelTrackerOperator","MaxInstances":1,"LicenseKey":"96445f4c-933d-4d42-b5c3-43f8f9f42d56"},{"Name":"Extended Monitoring","ClassName":"","MaxInstances":1,"LicenseKey":"39f3ea84-443c-49ca-a61e-01b7f88e0784"}] {"Company": "Realsprint", "Product": "Vindral Composer (Desktop)", "LicenseType": "Subscription", "LockedToHostName": "(no)", "ExpiryDate": "9999-12-31 00:00:00", "MaxChannels": "4", "MaxMainAssemblyVersion": "99", "MaxInstances": "1", "ContactPerson": "Soren Smith", "CreateDate": "2024-01-22 00:00:00", "OnlyVerifyWithLicenseServerAtStart": "False", "PluginLicenses": "[{"Name":"Face Detector","ClassName":"FrontalFaceDetector.FaceDetectOperator","MaxInstances":1,"LicenseKey":"163d30a9-f5c9-4246-a7d1-cddb19e927f3"},{"Name":"Roulette Wheel Tracker","ClassName":"RouletteWheelTrackerOperator","MaxInstances":1,"LicenseKey":"xxxxxx-933dc-4d42-xxx-43f8f9e42d56"},{"Name":"Extended Monitoring","ClassName":"","MaxInstances":1,"LicenseKey":"xxxx-443cf-49ca-xx-01b7f88a0784"}]"} 

[2024-09-05 08:33:48.568 [Information] [2025] License file validated. License key: XXX 

[2024-09-05 08:33:48.669 [Debug] [1003] Waiting for response from license server (0 ms so far)... 

[2024-09-05 08:33:48.771 [Debug] [1003] Waiting for response from license server (100 ms so far)... 

[2024-09-05 08:33:48.871 [Debug] [1003] Waiting for response from license server (200 ms so far)... 

[2024-09-05 08:33:49.751 [Information] [2029] License verified by license server 

[2024-09-05 08:33:49.780 [Information] [2057] Extended Monitoring plugin enabled 

[2024-09-05 08:33:49.782 [Debug] [1000] Fetching Live Preview Channel Information 

Log event identifiers

Log entries may use log identifiers (integer numbers), which can be used for filtering or alarms. See chapter Log Identifiers for more information.

Extended Monitoring and log files

The Extended Monitoring Plugin allows Composer to add information to the log files. Find more information at Extended Monitoring - Log files.

Allow stderr to be redirected

It is possible to redirect FATALS and ERRORS to a separate logfile instead of Composers default log file by adding the parameters 2>myErrorFile.log
The example below shows the command for the runtime version. All FATALS and ERRORS will be saved to the file error.log.

./vindralcomposerruntime -p myProject.prj 2>error.log

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